The Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression is the main institution dealing with the matters of Veterans of struggles for independence and Victims of Oppression in Poland. The Office's functions and resposibilities have been defined in legal acts establishing the special status of beneficiaries of the Veterans' law. It's main tasks consist of:

  • awarding the status of Veteran struggles for independence, Victim of Oppression and person deported to perform forced labor
  • providing the Veterans and Victims of Oppression with help, special care and proper respect
  • spreading the tradition of struggles for independence of Poland


A Celebration in Memory of Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz 2011.12.14 r.

On December 14th 2011 the Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression held a celebration in memory of Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz, one of the most famous agents of the Allied Forces during World War II. The event took place in Nowy Świat St., near the house where Iwanow-Szajnowicz was born.