The Office for War Veterans and Victims of Oppression is the main institution dealing with the matters of Veterans of struggles for independence and Victims of Oppression in Poland. The Office's functions and resposibilities have been defined in legal acts establishing the special status of beneficiaries of the Veterans' law. It's main tasks consist of:

  • awarding the status of Veteran struggles for independence, Victim of Oppression and person deported to perform forced labor
  • providing the Veterans and Victims of Oppression with help, special care and proper respect
  • spreading the tradition of struggles for independence of Poland



Privileges resulting from the Act of January 24th, 1991 on war veterans and victims of war and postwar oppression

Privileges resulting from the Act of May 31, 1996 on pecuniary allowance due to persons deported to perform forced labor and to inmates of forced labor camps in the Third Reich and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics

Privileges due to families of victims of group freedom gatherings in years 1956-1989

Privileges for active members of the democratic opposition in years 1956-1989

Honorary decorations